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Compassion And Strong Advocacy For Grieving Families

While it is never easy when a loved one passes away, it is especially devastating when the person’s death was preventable. Deaths caused by someone else’s negligence are more than heartbreaking; they are violations of civil law. To get the financial compensation to which you are entitled, you need the legal support of an experienced personal injury attorney.

Kibbey | Wagner practices wrongful death for clients throughout the Gold Coast region of Florida. While nothing can bring back the spouse, child or parent you have lost, pursuing a wrongful death suit can help you hold the wrongdoer accountable and make sure the individual, business or government entity does not mistreat someone else the same way again.

Wrongful Death Attorneys Prepared To Help You

Our lawyers represent families in wrongful death claims related to a wide range of incidents, including:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Cruise ship accidents and illnesses
  • Product liability
  • Medical malpractice and nursing home abuse
  • Premises liability

We will represent both the claim of the deceased’s estate and those of your family. A successful claim can compensate you for your loved one’s medical and funeral expenses, lost past and future wages and pain and suffering. It can also recognize the emotional and practical impact the loss has had and will continue to have on your life.

Throughout the process, you can turn to us for advice that fits your and your family’s needs and is sensitive to your grief. With a sound legal strategy in place, we will take care of your case comprehensively, allowing you to focus on healing. As tough negotiators and seasoned trial lawyers, our firm will make sure you are treated fairly by the defendants and their insurance companies.

Learn Your Legal Options | No-Cost Consultation

For a free initial conference with one of our attorneys, please contact Kibbey | Wagner at 772-444-7000. We will discuss what happened to your family member and give you honest advice about your legal options.