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Product Liability Lawyers Representing Clients In Stuart, Florida

Manufacturers everywhere produce defective items all the time. Often, such items are harmless, but in far too many cases, a defective consumer product has been the cause of severe or catastrophic injuries. If you suffer an injury while using a defective consumer item in Stuart or anywhere else in the Treasure Coast region, speak at once to an experienced product liability lawyer at Kibbey | Wagner. Any defective product that injures a consumer while the consumer was using the product properly and as intended may be the focus of a product liability lawsuit.

For example, if you are injured because your brakes failed or your air bag didn’t open, you may have grounds for a product liability claim. If you are burned by a defective toaster or oven, injured by a defective appliance or power tool, or if you’re made ill by a bad prescription drug – or injured in any way by any defective product – talk to us at Kibbey | Wagner. One of our attorneys can explain how the law applies to your case and determine if you have grounds for legal action.

What Is The Basis For A Product Liability Claim?

When a Florida consumer is injured while using a commercially sold product, the victim may pursue a product liability claim. If that claim prevails, the victim may obtain compensation for all of his or her injury-related medical expenses, lost wages and all other related damages. A product liability claim may be based on a flaw in the manufacture or design of a product, or the claim may be based on a failure to warn consumers about the product’s hazards or to provide clear and sufficient directions for its use.

The injuries caused by defective consumer products range from trivial cuts and bruises to permanent disabilities. Victims who suffer traumatic brain injuries or severe spinal cord injuries, those who require amputations or multiple surgeries, and those who require lifelong care will need the maximum amount of compensation that’s available – and an attorney who will not settle for less.

If You Are Injured By A Consumer Item, What Steps Do You Take?

If you are injured in or near Stuart by any consumer product, obtain medical attention immediately. Do not talk about your case with any insurance company representative before you consult an experienced product liability lawyer. An insurance company may try to offer you a fast settlement that’s worth far less than the actual value of your injury claim. Don’t accept it. Let a top product liability lawyer at Kibbey | Wagner handle the case and negotiate on your behalf.

In the state of Florida, most product liability lawsuits are settled outside of the courtroom. Most businesses want to avoid the potentially bad publicity that sometimes accompanies a contentious courtroom trial. Nevertheless, if no reasonable settlement is offered, our legal team at Kibbey | Wagner will take the case to trial and fight aggressively for the justice that innocent injury victims deserve. Florida law specifies that negligent product manufacturers, sellers, resellers, remanufacturers and dealers can all be ordered to pay for dangerous and defective products that injure consumers.

Recover Compensation After A Product-Related Injury

At Kibbey | Wagner, we offer the sound legal advice and experienced representation that every victim of negligence needs. If you’ve been injured by any defective consumer item in or near Stuart, call Kibbey | Wagner at 772-444-7000. We are the attorneys who will go the distance to fight for justice on your behalf.