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Bicycle Accident Attorneys Helping Clients In Stuart, Florida

As you probably know, bicycle accidents can happen unexpectedly, swiftly and can cause severe bodily harm. If you were injured in a bicycle accident, you may need a substantial amount of time to recover from serious injuries – that is, time away from work – as your medical bills pile up. If you were injured by someone else’s negligence while riding a bike, you are entitled to compensation under Florida law, but you’ll need help from an experienced Stuart bicycle accident attorney at the law firm of Kibbey | Wagner. You can reach us at 772-444-7000.

If you file a personal injury claim because you were injured in a bicycle accident, a number of factors must be considered. Is there evidence that the other person was at fault? Were you partly responsible for your injuries in any way? Did you wear a helmet? If the accident happened after dark, were you using lights? Did you have a preexisting condition or injury? Are you unable to work due to your injuries, and if so, for how long? A good personal injury lawyer will need to consider these questions in order to protect your rights and fight for your compensation.

What Is Your Recourse After A Bike Accident?

Bicycle accidents are sometimes the cause of traumatic brain injuries, even when bike riders wear helmets. Other typical bicycle-related injuries include spinal cord injuries, broken limbs, lacerations, road burns and knee injuries. If necessary, your personal injury lawyer can enlist the aid of accident reconstruction specialists and medical experts to supply evidence and testimony on your behalf. If you’ve been seriously injured while riding a bicycle – or, in the worst-case scenario, permanently disabled – you’ll need the maximum available amount of compensation, and you’ll need an attorney who knows how to obtain it.

While bicyclists should take proactive safety measures, accidents will nevertheless happen, so if you’re injured by a car, bus, or truck driver while bicycling in the Stuart area, immediately contact Kibbey | Wagner and speak with an experienced attorney. If you opt to pursue a personal injury claim – and if your attorney can prove that you were injured because another person was negligent – you may be compensated for your current and future medical expenses arising from the accident, your current and future lost wages, and all additional injury-related expenses.

How Can The Lawyers Of Kibbey | Wagner, Help Bike Accident Victims?

Our experienced personal injury lawyers can examine the details of your case, compile evidence, question witnesses and negotiate aggressively for the compensation you are entitled to receive. Most personal injury cases are settled out of court, but when no satisfactory agreement can be reached, Kibbey | Wagner, will take your case to trial and fight for the justice you need and deserve.

Trust An Experienced Attorney For Guidance

At Kibbey | Wagner, our team of skilled personal injury attorneys has experience helping the injured victims of negligence in Stuart, Port St. Lucie and throughout the Treasure Coast region in Florida. If you or someone you love is injured by negligence while riding a bicycle, speak immediately with an experienced bicycle accident attorney by calling 772-444-7000. We’ve helped scores of injury victims in the Treasure Coast area, and we are ready to help you.