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Medical Malpractice Lawyers Representing Clients In Stuart

When a licensed health care professional acts negligently in the state of Florida, and a patient’s injury or death is the result of that negligence, the patient or the surviving family members may be entitled to damages. When a health care provider fails to follow proper procedures, misdiagnoses a medical condition, prescribes the wrong medication or commits a surgical mistake, and resultantly the patient is injured, it’s probably an instance of medical malpractice.

If you or someone you love is injured by medical malpractice in the Stuart area or anywhere in Florida’s Treasure Coast region, arrange immediately to consult with an experienced Stuart medical malpractice attorney at the law firm of Kibbey | Wagner. Call us at 772-444-7000 to learn more about your rights, options and recourse if you are a victim of medical malpractice. Your first legal consultation with us is free. An attorney can explain what constitutes medical malpractice in Florida and how the law may apply if you’ve been injured while obtaining medical treatment.

What Is Required When You Claim Medical Malpractice?

To prevail with a medical malpractice lawsuit, a malpractice lawyer must demonstrate that a doctor or another health care provider breached his or her professional and legal duty of care to the patient. A medical malpractice victim and his or her attorney must also prove that the defendant’s negligence was, in fact, the direct cause of the injury the victim sustained. Finally, medical malpractice victims and their attorneys must show that the injury caused quantifiable damages and must document the extent of those damages.

In other words, if you are victimized by medical malpractice and you pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit, you and your attorney will need to show that because of your injury, you paid additional medical bills, you lost wages or another income, your future earning capacity is impaired and/or you’ve suffered unnecessarily. Our attorneys at Kibbey | Wagner will understand the challenges that confront a victim of medical malpractice.

What Constitutes Medical Malpractice?

Risk is an unavoidable part of almost every medical treatment, and not every mistake that a health care provider makes necessarily constitutes medical malpractice. Only when you fully understand the risks involved should you agree to any medical treatment or surgical procedure. Most doctors in the Stuart area are superb health care providers, and they take special measures to reduce risks. Some do not. Medical malpractice still happens far too frequently in the Treasure Coast region, and if you are a malpractice victim – or if you’re not sure – discuss your options and rights with an experienced Stuart medical malpractice attorney at Kibbey | Wagner.

If Your Doctor Made A Mistake, Call Us

We can review your case and help you determine if a medical malpractice lawsuit is your best option. If it is, your attorney will fight aggressively for your rights, for the justice you need and for the full compensation you deserve. Don’t wait to act. If you are the victim of medical malpractice in the Stuart area, call Kibbey | Wagner at 772-444-7000 and arrange to speak with an experienced medical malpractice attorney who is ready to help.