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Living with chronic pain after a car accident

On Behalf of | Jun 21, 2022 | Personal Injury

A motor vehicle accident can occur at any moment and the aftermath of such an incident could impact a person’s life in various ways. While some car accident injuries may heal with treatment and time, others could lead to life-long health repercussions such as chronic pain and suffering. Chronic pain can affect a person in various ways and individuals in Florida who live with similar issues may encounter various symptoms and hardships in life. 

Possible effects of chronic pain 

One of the most imposing aspects of living with chronic pain could involve the potential mental health repercussions involved. Similar health concerns could affect how people view themselves and might lead to issues with lack of self-esteem. The presence of chronic pain may also increase the risks one might develop mental health concerns and in some cases, constant and intense pain could even lead to issues with cognitive functions. 

Chronic pain may also run the risk of presenting with certain physical challenges. Studies indicate that those who live with constant pain may encounter a fear that physical activity may only cause their pain to intensify, and this fear could lead to issues such as deconditioning. Chronic pain could also affect one’s ability or willingness to take part in social interactions, which could also lead to various challenges in life. 

Impact on life 

This may only cover a short list of the potential health repercussions of living with chronic pain after a car accident. Individuals in Florida who suffer such harm due to the actions of another party may find the outcome of their situation difficult to accept, and they might choose to consult with an attorney for advice on their available options for legal recourse. An attorney can evaluate the situation a client is facing, along with his or her injuries and financial needs, and assist in seeking the full amount of restitution entitled through a personal injury claim. 

